Beer and Mustard Sauce for Pork or Lamb

4 March 2020

Excellent with Italian polenta

A great sauce for pork or lamb without getting fancy. All you need is beer and Dijon mustard for the basic sauce. You can fancied it up in many ways, adding shallot, garlic or cream. You can add mushrooms as well.


  • Beer.
  • Dijon mustard.
  • Options: mushrooms, shallots, garlic, cream, etc.
  • Seasoning.

The steps:

  1. Cook or grill your meat the usual way.
  2. While this is cooking, mix a cup of beer with one or two teaspoons of mustard and the seasoning.
  3. Lower the heat and poor the sauce in the pan with the meat.
  4. Add the mushrooms, garlic, shallots if you choose.
  5. Partially cover and simmer to reduce the sauce by a quarter.
  6. If you want to add cream, do it after removing the meat and stir the sauce on the low burner just long enough to blend the sauce and get it to thicken just a little.
  7. Set the meat in the serving plates and poor the sauce over it. Crack some pepper on top for looks!

Best with

Polenta is a great match for the sauce, rice is good too. Steamed potatoes or pasta is ok too, but grilled potatoes do not work out well.

Flavored Thai rice and mixed vegetables